Update on Business Grants

Financial Support

The majority of eligible businesses have had grants for lockdown 2 and 3, a one-off January lockdown payment and all Tier payments. These grants were in addition to any grants paid out for the first lockdown in March 2020. Wet-led pubs got an additional grant for the Christmas period. Below you will find more information on the upcoming new Restart Grant Scheme and an update on the ARG fund.

If you have not yet received the grants mentioned above, please contact us at info@youractonbid.co.uk as we will be able to follow up on your status directly with the council business rates team.

Restart Grant Scheme:

A new Restart Grant scheme will replace LRSG (closed) and LRSG (open) grants from April 2021 and is aimed at the following businesses:

  • Non-essential retail – to receive grants of up to £6,000 per premises
  • Hospitality and leisure, including personal care sector and gyms – to receive grants of up to £18,000 per premises.

To be eligible for this grant, your business must be:

  • based in England
  • rate-paying
  • in the non-essential retail, hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care or gym sectors
  • trading on 1 April 2021.

Ealing Council will automatically award these grants to recipients of the previous national lockdown grants by the end of April 2021. The council will also be opening applications for other potential recipients soon. Details on new applications will be available on the Ealing Council website.

Additional restrictions grant (ARG) fund update:

The applications for three additional restrictions grants, aviation, culture sectors and covid hardship grants, are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied. The council is currently processing payments for the nursery support grant, which will be finalised soon. Applications for the business pioneers grant will open in the summer. Further information will be shared on our Help for business webpages.