E-Scooters trial start on June 7


Electric scooters will be available to rent in Ealing Borough and will be part of a year-long trial which starts on June 7. The trial is part of an attempt to encourage sustainable, active forms of transport and prevent a car-led recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

In Acton, you will be able to rent you scooter at the below locations:

  1. Acton High Street on The Mount behind the bus shelter
  2. Acton High Street across the Morley’s and Essence of beauty at 259 High Street 
  3. Acton Lane W3 by Ark Byron
  4. 43 The Vale across 
  5. Salisbury Street, behind the Everyone Active Centre
  6. Langley Drive by Mill Hill Road
  7. Park Road East by Avenue Road
  8. Uxbridge Road W3 by Twyford Crescent
  9. All Saints Road by Bollo Bridge Road (South Acton Estate)

Ealing council issued a notice outlining parking bays for the e-scooters throughout the borough and you can access the full list here.

Between 60 and 150 e-scooters will be available to rent in each area.  They will have a maximum speed of 12.5 miles per hour as well as several safety features. E-scooters will be restricted to cycle lanes and roads as it is illegal in the UK to ride them on footpaths.

If you wish to object, you can send a statement to trafficnotices@ealing.gov.uk. For more information on the trial you can read the TFL article here