Step 4 Roadmap

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, it has now been confirmed that we will move into Step 4 of the Roadmap next Monday, 19 July.
At Step 4, the Government will remove outstanding legal restrictions on social contact, life events, and open the remaining closed settings. The Government will instead enable people and businesses to make informed decisions about how to manage the risk to themselves and others.
This means that at Step 4:
- All remaining limits on social contact will be removed and there will be no more restrictions on how many people can meet in any setting, indoors or outdoors.
- All settings will be able to open, including nightclubs.
- Large events, such as music concerts and sporting events can resume without any limits on attendance or social distancing requirements.
- The legal requirements to wear a face covering will be lifted in all settings.
- Social distancing rules will be lifted.
- Businesses will be encouraged to display QR codes for customers to check in using the NHS COVID-19 app, although it will no longer be a legal requirement.
- It is no longer necessary for the Government to instruct people to work from home and employers can start to plan a return to workplaces.
You can access the government document COVID-19 Response: Summer 2021, which outlines all the guidelines and details of the final roadmap step 4 as we transition out of lockdown. Guidance on how to stay safe and help prevent the spread from 19 July can also be accessible here.
To help you promote this milestone and the upcoming changes new Step 4 assets have been added to the CRC.