Save money with Place Support Partnership!

We have been working with Place Support Partnership (PSP) by offering all businesses within the BID area free sessions with cost-saving experts. PSP helps reduce business costs by reviewing your bills and identifying where savings can be made. It is a free service to all Your Acton BID members.
On July 21st, we launched our partnership with Place Support Partnership, to help reduce the financial burden of day to day costs facing our many local businesses. The partnership aims to help businesses save time and money on energy, telecoms, water, merchant fees, insurance and pest control, through a no-obligation bill review service.
They’ll take a look at current costs, and work out where you can save money. Clever stuff.
“The Place Support Partnership has been born out of a pure passion for supporting businesses. Our holistic and trusted approach to business and place support has generated significant benefit and social value.”
If your business could use this service, get in touch for more information by emailing and schedule an appointment with a PSP representative.