August 2021 High Street & Mastercard Data

August weekdays spend data

High Street Spend data was gathered from Mastercard (does not include Visa or cash spending) to show how spending patterns have changed over time in the Your Acton BID boundary. The data is broken down into weekday and weekend spending habits for the month of August 2021, using 2018-19 as the baseline to examine recovery. 

When viewing “% of Normal” the baseline at 1 (100% of Normal) is based on the Mastercard spend in the same week in the previous year (Note: for 2021 we’re using 2019 as the comparison year instead of 2020). So, if spending was unchanged compared to the previous (normal) year, the line would be at 1, if it’s above 1 spending has increased, and if it’s below 1 it’s decreased.