Have Your Say – Acton Central Ward Priority Survey

Acton Central Ward Priority Survey – April 2022
The use of Ward Panel Surveys enables Dedicated Ward Officers (DWOs) to engage with a broader section of the ward than the ward panel members alone. Results from these surveys are collated and fed back into the ward panel meeting to inform the panel’s decision making.
The ward panel meets 4 times a year to discuss anti-social behaviour or crime which effects the local area/community.
One of the purposes of the ward panel is to set ward priorities, Safer Neighbourhood Teams will work towards a minimum of three new priorities, the first priority will be set by the SNT and will be violence related.
The Ward Panel will set a minimum of two local ward priorities.
Priorities will be reviewed by the panel at the next meeting, and the panel with scrutinise the police response before deciding whether to keep the priority or replace it with a new one.
Please use this survey to raise any specific local crime or anti-social behaviour (ASB) that you would like to be considered by the panel. The closing date for the surveys is the 19th of April.
Survey for Acton Central
Survey for South Acton