PSP energy report

PSP energy report 2

We have been working with Place Support Partnership (PSP) by offering free sessions with cost-saving experts to help reduce business costs by reviewing your bills and identify where savings can be made.

You can view Place Support Partnership (PSP) energy report which reflects the current state of the UK wholesale and retail energy markets. This can help you on how you can protect yourself from the ongoing energy crisis.

Following the government announcement that the Energy Bill Relief Scheme is to end, and the detail shared regarding the launch of the Energy Bill Discount Scheme, this report is outlining the changes to the scheme along with information demonstrating the state and conditions within the UK energy market.

Commercial wholesale gas and electricity markets are currently trading at the lowest they have been since before the pandemic and as a consequence retail rates for energy have dropped by circa 30% in the last 6 weeks. The energy markets remain volatile however are now trading at below the current relief scheme cap. Our energy team at PSP have experienced an increase in demand for energy contracts and support as more suppliers are returning to the market with products that are enabling significant savings against historically high rates.

For more information, download the PSP energy report here