Start hiring top graduate talent through the University of West London

You can promote your local vacancies on the University of West London (UWL) portal for free! The below opportunities can support you with your recruitment drive for new staff by granting you open access to our pool of diverse and talented students and/ or recent graduates.
Free Vacancy Advertising Service for Part-time, Full-time and Graduate Opportunities.
- Simply register via this link and you will be able to book onto events, post job opportunities and more. Once the opportunities have been reviewed, they will be visible to UWL students and graduates registered with our service. If you have any issues or queries regarding the form, please email us at
On-Campus & Virtual Careers Fairs:
- We offer a range of careers fairs across a range of industries and sectors. To book for a specific event visit here. We deliver up-to 8 industry careers fairs and up-to 2 Part-Time Jobs Fairs each year. The opportunity to exclusively sponsor a Careers Fair is available, with only one sponsor per event you are guaranteed maximum exposure. All sponsor funds return to support further employability initiatives for our students, and from 2023 can enjoy charitable status.
Spring Part Time Fair, Thursday 9th March 12-2pm
Health & Biomedical Sciences Careers Fair 21st March, 12-2pm
Employer Guide to Work Experience:
- Please find an e-copy of our Employer Guide to Work Experience here. This document outlines how employers can recruit our students for work experience. If you have a placement query, please refer to pages 8-9 for a full list of courses we support with an integrated work experience/ internship element. If you have any queries, please get in touch with our Placement Team
Bespoke Employer Visits, In-Class & Online Presentation On Campus
- If you are interested in hosting an in-class presentation on campus to promote your organisation and the opportunities you have to offer or to give our students and graduates some industry advice please send your expressions interest via email us at
Be our Guest Employer and present at our weekly ‘Employer Insights Sessions’!
Our Friday Employer Takeover commences once a month from 1-1.30pm with insights from a guest employer. We achieve excellent student engagement and welcome your recruitment team to be our guest to promote opportunities, share employability advice and life working at your organisation. To book a date email