BID billing leaflet 2023-2024

On behalf of Your Acton BID board of directors and the team, we would like to thank you for voting and for your continued support. We are happy to continue to ensure that our Town Centre, retail and industrial estates are areas of focus, with initiatives and services that will benefit both the businesses and Acton itself.
Our board, who volunteer their time and represent the interests of businesses from the industrial, commercial, retail and service sectors are pleased to bring you a financial overview of what the BID has achieved in 2022-23 and our plans for 2023-24.
Following the successful ballot in March 2023, we were renewed for another 5-year term, bringing us to our second term from 2023-2028. We wanted to inform all our BID businesses that in May you will receive your levy bill for 2023-24.
You can view our billing leaflet on our website here, where you can see what we have accomplished, what we will be doing in the upcoming year and our financial forecast. We look forward to continuing working with you over the coming year and showcasing our new upcoming projects. We would like to thank you for your continued support.